Nick helps people earn money outside of their day job. He's an author, online entrepreneur, and life-long student in the game of business. His latest role is as Chief Side Hustler at, a growing community and resource for aspiring and part-time entrepreneurs.
Al is a successful three-time entrepreneur and the Co-founder and CEO of, the fastest growing national online provider of consumer loans.
Kevin is a renaissance man who is down-to-earth. He loves to speak to huge crowds and is still an ordinary guy who is easy to talk to. He's a therapist, photographer, podcaster, graphic artist, teacher, and poet. When asked how he does so much, he says, methodical self-care.
Ranked #1 in sales in the 65-year history of Cutco. His broken records stand among the 1 Million+ distributors. Firm specializes in year round appreciation to open doors with C-level prospects, create employee engagement, drive referrals.
Shane is an entrepreneur from Switzerland who dropped out of college, went through a period of working odd jobs and not knowing what to do with his life, and then ended up building multiple successful online businesses based on selling software, products and services.
Cory heads up, where they're using Apple iBeacon for kick-butt automatic loyalty and real-time engagement from your favorite brands and places.
Ryan, Author of the new book Ask is a marketing expert who has helped build multi-million dollar businesses in 23 different industries, generating over $100 million dollars in sales in the process. Today, he and his team offer training, consulting, and implementation services for entrepreneurs and businesses at all levels.
Dale is most widely known as the Founder of and by the one million monthly readers of his blog, The Daily Positive. His focus is now on his next project, and his new book, People Over Profit.
In 2001 Darren, The World Champion of Public Speaking, out-spoke 25,000 contestants from 14 countries to win that title. That was just a benchmark. Since that victory, he has traveled the world demystifying the process of creating a powerful speech.