Sunil is the Founder and CEO of, a marketplace where businesses can go to hire freelance writers. Scripted has a pool of 80,000 freelance writers and ranks as one of the top five largest writer communities on the Internet, providing hundreds of businesses with thousands of blog posts, tweets, press releases and articles each month.
Dan is an author of both Business and Real Estate books, a connector of experts and a Joint Venture Artist who seeks to help everyone who needs that special something or someone at just the right time.
Debbie is the inspiring Founder of Women on Fire and a pioneer in the field of executive and life coaching. She is known for her work in transforming women’s lives. Her gift is her ability to see and nurture the strengths, gifts and talents of the women she works with.
Walker and Evan are the Co-Founders of Teespring. These two Brown University students created a website that leveraged the crowdfunding model to successfully sell a t-shirt to commemorate their favorite college bar that shut down. Within six hours they had amassed hundreds of pre-order sales via PayPal. Coupled with the success of the momentous sale, they received interest from clubs, communities and individuals who all expressed interest in creating similar campaigns for their custom products. The concept for Teespring was born.
Stephan is an entrepreneurial thought leader and online marketing expert. He is the Founder of Tower Paddle Boards, which garnered an investment from billionaire Mark Cuban on ABC’s Shark Tank and was also named one of the top 10 success stories in the history of the show by Entrepreneur Magazine.
Patrick is the CEO of 99designs. 99designs is the world's largest online graphic design marketplace, connecting businesses looking for design work with more than 220,000 graphic designers from 192 countries around the world. 99designs also happens to be one of EntrepreneurOnFire's amazing sponsors!
Derek is a Partner at a wealth management firm who started an un-networking community in Washington DC called cadre. cadre currently supports over 100 remarkable CEO's and business leaders. Derek is also the author of Networking Is Not Working.
Jaydev’s business life and personal life are almost one in the same because he simply loves what he does. Nothing is more rewarding than finding ways to add value to people's lives, whether its directly through his business or connecting like-minded people to each other.
Jaime helps Entrepreneurs focus their money and their strengths to create an amazing life all while building their net worth. She interviews millionaires to get their best tips, tactics and advice from their successes and failures on her podcast, The Eventual Millionaire.
Kevin is the Chairman and Founder of TVGoods, Inc. and Chairman of As Seen On TV, Inc. He is widely acknowledged as a pioneer and one of the principal architects of the infomercial industry. He is well known for his 175 episodes on Shark Tank, and is ready to rock Fire Nation today!