VITAband was created by David Waxman and Jason Brown in 2007 and was launched in September 2009. The idea was conceived from a medical ID bracelet, but the designers had targeted athletes. So, they set out to design a medical ID bracelet that was comfortable to wear while running, cycling, hiking, along with being versatile enough to use during exercise.
Sean is the Co-founder of Inspired Marketing, the #1 company that creates digital online training with a focus on social media. Inspired Marketing was just named on the Impact 100 list, which represents the top 100 companies in America that are run by young people. This award includes an invitation to the White House.
Ingrid Elfver is Founder and CEO of Born Celebrity, which has more than 100,000 raving fans from around the world. Over the last 20+ years, Ingrid has worked with thousands of people around the world - from celebrities to startups - in virtually every industry.Ingrid Elfver is Founder and CEO of Born Celebrity, which has more than 100,000 raving fans from around the world. Over the last 20+ years, Ingrid has worked with thousands of people around the world - from celebrities to startups - in virtually every industry.
Pamela Slim is a seasoned coach and writer who helps frustrated employees in corporate jobs break out and start their own businesses. Her blog, Escape from Cubicle Nation, is one of the top career and marketing blogs on the web. A quote I pulled from her site that is a Pam Slim original I have to repeat here is, Entrepreneurship at its heart is aligning your purpose for being on earth with a business idea so compelling that you simply must do it, despite the fears that hold you back.
Marcus Sheridan is an author, public speaker and online marketing consultant. He is the author of 3 Self-Help books, Co-owner of one of the largest inground fiberglass swimming pool companies on the East Coast, Professional Blogger, and Founder of The Sales Lion.
Alright, Fire Nation. I’ve got something a little different for us today. I was interviewed by Rebecca Livermore, who has the podcast, the Professional Content Creation podcast, which actually doesn’t air till January. She’s currently building her platform, but she wanted to interview me as one of her first interviews. I asked if I could share it with my audience and she said, Absolutely! So here we go!